2008. március 11., kedd

BOM...by LYnette Anderson

I hope that you are all ready to join my stitch-along Noah's Ark BOM. A pattern will be available each month for the next year (no definite release date each month), download the pattern and away you go. I would love to hear or see how you are progressing with your Noah's Ark. I would love it if you can blog about it or if you dont have a blog please tell your friends. Yes, this is a publicity stunt, I want the world to come and read my blog, so spread the word.I have chosen to start with these rabbits who are very much in love and they are off to join everyone else on board Noah's Ark. Of course being very close to Easter you could in fact choose to make something with these rabbits thats a bit Easterish, maybe they could be a pocket on a bag or a very very mini wallquilt! Go and look in the left hand side bar of my blog for the Noah's Ark photo album, look inside and you will find a requirement list and the pattern for this month.
Happy Stitching,


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